Trailer For The Fairy Tale Coming-of-Age Adventure Film WONDERWELL with Carrie Fisher

Here’s a trailer for a coming-of-age fairy tale adventure film titled Wonderwell, a film set between modern-day Italy and an imaginary realm. The film was actually shot back in 2016 just before Carrie Fisher passed away, and she has a small role in the movie.

In the film, “Awkward, impish Violet and her beautiful older sister Savannah are the daughters of an American couple living in Italy. When Savannah gets an opportunity to audition as a model for a famous fashion designer, Violet can’t understand what the fuss is all about. The family travels together to a grand villa where Savannah is singled out among a cadre of gorgeous young girls to become Italy's next great supermodel. Feeling neglected and suddenly invisible, Violet wanders off into a nearby forest where she meets a mysterious woman (Fisher) who sends her on a mission of discovery. Violet finds a time portal that will transport her to a parallel world where she sees what her future might hold. But like the transition from childhood to womanhood, it may be a journey of no return.”

The movie stars Rita Ora, newcomer Kiera Milward, Megan Dodds, Lloyd Owen, Nell Tiger Free, Vincent Spano, and Sebastian Croft. It’s explained that the fable “combines VFX tech with live-action to tell the story of a girl discovering the thrilling, humorous and often terrifying passage to womanhood through the portal of her imagination.”

Wonderwell is directed by Vlad Marsavin and Vertical recently released the film on VOD, so you can watch it now if you want!

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