Trailer for the Scientology Documentary GOING CLEAR
The Scientology documentary Going Clear was one of the most talked about films at this year's Sundance Film Festival. Mostly because anyone who wrote a review on it, ended up getting an email from the Scientologists with the following message:
“The above article concerning Going Clear, Alex Gibney’s film, was posted without contacting the Church for comment. As a result, your article reflects the film which is filled with bald faced lies. I ask that you include a statement from the Church in your article. There is another side to the story which has to be told. Do not be the mouthpiece for Alex Gibney’s propaganda.”
There was a longer statement that came along with that including phrases such as “free speech is not a free pass,” “the usual collection of obsessive, disgruntled former Church members,” and “documented history of making up lies about the Church for money.”
I didn’t get a chance to see the movie while I was there, but it’s supposed to give us an in-depth look at the inner workings of the Church of Scientology through interviews with ex-members. You can get a glimpse of what they have to say in the trailer below.
Going Clear: Scientology and the Prison of Belief premieres Sunday, March 29th at 8PM, only on HBO.