Trailer for the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle Documentary TURTLE POWER
Turtle Power: The Definitive History of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles is a new documentary being released by Paramount Pictures. It takes fans through the humble beginnings of the Ninja Turtles all the way to the successful global phenomenon that it has become. The studio has released a short trailer for it that you can check out below.
The doc was started in 2008 by three hardcore fans: Isaac Elliott-Fisher, Mark Hussey, and Randall Lobb. They spent the next five years years shooting the doc in their spare time in-between their day jobs. They managed to land interviews with TMNT creators Peter Laird and Kevin Eastman, as well as Steve Barron, who was director of the original live action Turtles movie. They also talked to Brian Henson, who worked on the creation of the costumes for the original movie.
Turtle Power looks like a must watch for any true TMNT fan. It will be released on August 12th on DVD and Digital HD. Thanks to THR for the tip.