TRIPLE FRONTIER Could Be Headed to Netflix with Ben and Casey Affleck

After getting dropped by Paramount and losing two of its headlining stars, Triple Frontier looked to be in trouble. Now, weeks after losing both Channing Tatum and Tom Hardy, word from Deadline is that Netflix is attempting to purchase the rights to the feature to develop for their platform. Should the streaming service grab the project, they're looking to put both Casey and Ben Affleck in the roles of Tatum and Hardy to star alongside Mahershala Ali in one big star-studded film. 

Triple Frontier is an action-adventure film set at the border of Paraguay, Argentina, and Brazil. Netflix, who stated earlier in the year they wish to become a serious contender in producing Hollywood level films, would certainly be on the right track with two 2017 Oscar winners appearing in the same film. We'll keep you updated should Netflix pull the trigger and get the rights to the film. 

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