Two New Animated STAR WARS Shorts Feature an R2-D2 Adventure and a Porg Annoying BB-8 and Chewbacca

Porgs continue to take the internet by storm.  Now the cute and adorably annoying penguin dog thingies are popping up in one of the latest animated Star Wars Blip shorts.

There are two new shorts that were tweeted by the Star Wars Twitter page. One features Chewie and BB-8 in the cockpit of the Millennium Falcon, trying to catch an up-to-no-good Porg. The other gives us a recap of the epic adventures of R2-D2 while a bunch of the new droids are geeking out over him.

With the amount of attention Disney/Lucasfilm are putting on these little creatures, I fully expect to see a lot of Porgs come December, when Star Wars: The Last Jedi hits theaters.

Watch the shorts below!

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