UNCAGED VOLUME III Has Been Unleashed for D&D Fans to Enjoy
Uncaged Volume III is now available. This unofficial Dungeons & Dragons supplement features 25 new adventures for tiers 1-3 across 239 full-color pages. Like Volume I and Volume II, each adventure is based on subverting tropes of female mythological creatures and monsters. There are characters, creatures, and monsters from fairy tales, folklore, legends, and myths. Like the other Uncaged titles, Volume III is available digitally or physically, to meet whatever your preference is. The cover artwork is by Samantha Darcy and I will include a full list of writers at the bottom of the article.
“Uncaged is a collection of myth- and folklore-themed adventures written for Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition. Each original adventure subverts tropes around a female mythological creature or monster including hags, harpies, medusas, and much, much more.”
You can purchase Uncaged Volume III from DMs Guild now with Volume IV releasing in December 2019.
Alison Huang
Andrew Engelbrite
Annamyriah de Jong
Anthony Beal
Ataberk Bozkurt
Charles Van Slambrouck
Chloe Mashiter
Collette Quach
D. Chaudron
D.W. Dagon
Dai-Wei Pobjie
David Markiwsky
Fenway Jones
Gwen Bassett
Jacky Leung
Jameson Hampton
Jennifer Peig
John Tetzlaff
Karren Loomer
Kathryn Kovalcik
Katie Cunningham
Kayla Cline
Lauren Neuburger
Liz Gist
Luciella Elisabeth Scarlett
Ma'at Crook
Megan Irving
Morgan Geiss
Paige Leitman
Paul Keiter
Ryan Servis
Sam Mannell
Samantha Darcy
Sammy Ward
Sandy Jacobs-Tolle
Satine Phoenix
Scriv The Bard (Alette Smith)
Shannon Lewis
Wouter Florusse