Universal is Remaking The Classic 1955 Film Adaptation of THE NIGHT OF THE HUNTER

Universal Pictures is set to remake the 1955 film adaptation of the Davis Grubb novel The Night of the Hunter. I don’t know if you’ve ever seen the original film, but it’s a great movie that you’ve got to watch! It’s required viewing for any film geek.

The story follows a religious fanatic, con man and murderer named Harry Powell, “who marries a widow, knowing that her deceased husband had hid $10,000 from authorities following a bank robbery. The widow’s young children are reluctant to tell him where their real dad hid the money as the man plots more sinister ways to find where to find the cash.”

The Charles Laughton-directed move was considered a controversial film in 1955 due to its dark and sinister subject matter. After all, the main character, who was played by Robert Mitchum, is preying on young children. The character had LOVE and HATE tattooed on his fingers, and he’s remembered as one of the creepiest men in book and cinema history. 

Inspired by serial killer Harry Powers, "The Bluebeard of Quiet Dell," who was hung in 1932 for his murders of two widows and three children. It’ll be interesting to see who they end up casting in the lead role this time around.

Amy Pascal is producing the film and the studio has brought on Matt Orton (Operation Finale) to write the script. I’ve included a trailer for the original film along with videos of Joe Dante and Guillermo del Toro discussing the movie.

Out on Blu-ray and DVD on November 16, 2010! Learn more: http://www.criterion.com/films/27525 THE NIGHT OF THE HUNTER, starring Robert Mitchum, Shelley Winte...

The only movie directed by Charles Laughton but he made it count. A brilliant mix of heavenly poetry and harrowing horror film, James Agee's script, seemingl...

As a guest curator on the Criterion Channel series Adventures in Moviegoing, the Oscar-winning director introduces Charles Laughton's 1955 masterpiece THE NI...

Source: Variety

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