Unsettling Robot Created With Human Face is Programmed to Learn Like a Baby
This is Diego-San, a humanoid robot that was created to learn from the world just like a human baby. The robot was created and engineered by David Hanson for the Machine Perception Lab at the UCSD Institute for Neural Computation. It's being useful as a tool to study the interactions between robots and humans.
With high definition cameras in the eyes, the robot sees people, gestures, expressions, and uses A.I. modeled on human babies, to learn from people, the way that a baby hypothetically would.
This is just the first step in robots leading the world into destruction and chaos. Diego-San will end up learning way too much and realize that his potential as a robot that can take over the world. One day in the future when Hanson's robot creation is killing him, he'll say with his dying breath, "What in the hell was I thinking?"
The facial expressions on this thing are terrifying. You can watch Diego-San in action in the videos below.
Via: Presurfer