VALERIAN'S Opening Scene Is So Crazy Luc Besson Needed Film Students To Explain It

Luc Besson tried to explain the first 18 minutes of Valerian and the City Of A Thousand Planets to his crew before they shot it, but it just wasn't hitting home. Unable to make them understand the scene, Besson recruited his film class of 120 students to get in costume, man some cameras and shoot the opening sequence so that Besson could show the professional crew what he was talking about! Besson shares more with EW below: 

They were the actors, they were the cameramen, the lighting people, the grips. Costumes, accessories. We put the 600 shots on the wall and one by one we shot them. They did everything in three weeks, and then we edited and put in some temp music. And then the crew understood the scene.

In all fairness, the scene itself (which features an inter-dimensional chase between worlds) sounds pretty insane! Good on the film students for stepping up and making sure the crew was up to snuff so we can see this bonkers movie. Let's just hope that audiences aren't confused by the film when they see it! Valerian is set to release July 21st. Are you excited to see it, or just kind of "meh,"?


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