VELMA is a Mean-Spirited Unfunny Series and Has a 7% Fan Rating on Rotten Tomatoes

Wow, I honestly can’t believe that this adult-themed Scooby-Doo-inspired animated series Velma even got made. It’s such a terribly written show that is completely pointless, mean-spirited, tasteless, and insanely unfunny. It’s like the writers went out of their way to make the series so bad, I mean… seriously!? Who thought this stuff was funny!?

The first episode starts off with cockroaches having sex for no reason. That should be enough to turn people off and bail. But, if you keep going you get naked cartoon teens in a catfight, and Velma saying, “This is my story, told my way. And it starts with a murder, bitch.” Ugh.

This is supposed to be a more “adult” version of the Scooby Doo, but the humor is ridiculously juvenile and adolescent, and it seems like it was written by middle schoolers that need some serious therapy.

I know some of you might be interested in watching it just to hate-watch, but I’m telling you… IT’S NOT WORTH ANYONE’S TIME. This is such an utter crap show and it currently has a 7% fan rating on Rotten Tomatoes.

Here are what some people are saying:

  • “I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy. Please do yourself a favor and DO NOT WATCH THIS SHOW. This is 101 on how to kill a franchise. They just nuked the Scooby doo franchise to the ground with this show. There is no coming back with how awful this show is... feels like it was literally written by some ai bot...”

  • “I had to put salt and lemon in my eyes to clean them after watching this, any one else lose their eyesight?”

  • “After 20 years in a wheelchair I stood up for the first time to turn this off.”

  • “Not worth watching unless you feel it absolutely necessary to inflect a self-lobotomy.”

  • “I have no idea who this show is made for. It fails at every possible way of writing and making a cartoon for any genre. It's not a comedy, it's not a drama, it's not sci-fi, and it has no nostalgia as this is no Scooby-Doo. Spare yourself the misery of damaging your brain cells by watching 2 minutes of this fecal matter.”

  • “One of the worst things I've ever tried to watch. I would sooner have my eyes gouged out than see any more of this nonsense. Way to destroy a kids show for no reason. Please stop.”

  • “Annoying Character who talks down to people constantly and it being in a rather mean spirited and uncharming way.”

  • “This show was so awful it made me physically ill. It was a hate-filled character assassination of what came before it, and the characters were related to their original counterparts in name only at best. I do not mind that the characters' races were mixed up some, but at least have them be recognizable as what came before them. Norville does not look, act, or sound like Shaggy Rogers in any way, shape or form. None of the characters have the qualities that made them a part of the team. The writing was horrendous and it insulted both its intellectual property, the fan base, and just the casual viewers. If this gets a second season, it would be a travesty to all animated series that came before it, and completely unjust uses of money and animated talent. As far as I can tell, Mindy Kaling has only at best read the first sentence of a wikipedia article about Scooby Doo at some point, and has some form of intrinsic hatred to the show's history.”

And the negative comments just go on and on and on! I won’t be watching any more episodes of Velma. I’m 100% out and I think HBO Max should refund people’s monthly subscriptions for allowing this show to be made and released. I’m seriously completely baffled as to how this series actually got a greenlight and got made. It’s the absolute worst!

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