Video Dives Into The Interesting History of the Short-Lived DUNGEONS & DRAGONS Cartoon Series

Just in case you don’t remember or never heard a Dungeons & Dragons cartoon series aired from 1983 to 1985. While I know the series existed, it’s one that I don’t have many memories of as a kid. The series was created to expand on the game and the D&D toy line that they launched at the time. The cartoon also hit the airwaves around the time the Satanic Panic wave rolled in.

Dungeons & Dragons had a rough time in its infancy thanks to the Satanic panic and it didn’t do the series any favors with the pressure of parental lobbying groups that objected to the entire franchise in general. There was also some confusion in the marketing. But, it’s explained:

Ultimately the show was a brilliant PR move to put a new public face on the reputation of Dungeons & Dragons. the cartoon more than anything else is responsible for softening the image of D&D for fun and profit for introducing a lot of the language of the game into common household use.

The show focused on a group of six friends who are transported into the titular realm and followed their adventures as they tried to find a way home with the help of their guide, the Dungeon Master.

The final episode of the series was never produced. It would have served as both a conclusion to the story as well as a re-imagining of the show had the series been picked up for a fourth season, But, the show was canceled before the episode was made.

The video comes from Toy Galaxy and there’s no doubt that you’ll learn something new from it. Check it out!

The Dungeons and Dragons cartoon hit the airwaves in 1983 riding the Satanic Panic wave from the Dungeons and Dragons Role-playing Game and only lasted a few...

Source: Boing Boing

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