Video: How Different Typography Could Have Prevented This Year's Oscars Mix-Up

This year's Academy Awards ceremony will go down in history for the way it ended: the perfect storm of confusion that led Warren Beatty and Faye Dunaway to announce La La Land as Best Picture when, in fact, Barry Jenkins' Moonlight won the award. There are a myriad number of ways this could have been prevented, but this new video from Vox pinpoints the confusing typography on the cue cards and explains how slight design tweaks on that card (and elsewhere beyond the Oscars) can elicit hugely different results.

How bad design changed award shows, elections, and your medicine cabinet. The 2017 Oscars ended with a pretty shocking mix-up. Announcer Warren Beatty incorrectly named La La Land as the Best Picture winner, and the mistake wasn't revealed until crew members had already started giving their acceptance speeches.

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