Video: KING ARTHUR: LEGEND OF THE SWORD — Comic-Con Panel With Charlie Hunnam

When the trailer for Guy Ritchie's King Arthur: Legend of The Sword premiered last weekend in Hall H during San Diego Comic-Con the reception to it was a mixture of polite clapping and some cheers. Online the trailer so far has more positive than negative comments, but people seem to be really mixed.

The problem with Ritchie's films is that he doesn't cut the trailer. There is just something so very specific about how he presents things that the trailers for his films like Sherlock Holmes are poor reflections of the actual film's style. I'm overall excited for the film and the new elements it brings to the mythos of King Arthur.

One thing that does worry me is that the Charlie Hunnam was the only representative for the film on the panel. Either all the other actors, Ritchie, and the film's producers were simultaneously unavailable, or the studio is not confident in the movie. King Arthur: Legend of The Sword has a March 24th, 2017 (USA) release date which means they didn't think it would do well versus other summer movies. I hope I'm wrong and it's a brilliant and fun movie.

King Arthur: Legend of The Sword with stat Charlie Hunnam during San Diego Comic-Con

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