Video of THE IRON GIANT Puppet Cosplay in Action

A week ago we shared an awesome photo of a 9 foot Iron Giant cosplay puppet from Cosplay Day Singapore 2014. You can now see the puppet in action! R3LOAD Network released a video of the puppeteer cosplayer working his magic. The Iron Giant you see here was created by Orvis Evans, and took about a year to build. It was made using PVC pipes, plastic, foam and parts from a toilet. 

What's funny is the guy parading it around can't even see, so he had bring someone along with him to guide him through the crowds. I would love to see this guy build something else just as cool to show off. 

Visitors to Singapore Toy Game and Comic Convention (STGCC 2014) were treated to an awesome Iron Giant cosplay. The costume took more than 6 months to make and was made using PVC pipes, plastic, foam and even parts from a toilet!

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