Video Reactions to GAME OF THRONES' The Viper Vs. The Mountain Fight

Movie Game of Thrones by Joey Paur

The last episode of HBO's Game of Thrones was incredible! The final fight scene between The Viper and The Mountain was one of the most nail-biting moments of the entire series. It did not turn out the way I expected it would at all! My brother and I were yelling and screaming at the screen while the battle unfolded. A video has been released showing the reactions of a group of people who were watching the episode and, like almost everyone else who watched the episode, they were shocked by the twist ending. If you haven't seen the episode yet then you might want not want to watch this video as it includes major freakin' SPOILERS.

By far the best reaction since we started doing these. This one has everything. A big victory, dramatic turn of events and a flatout gross-out moment. Goddamn it Oberyn, you fucking overzealous showboat! Enjoy! No copyright is claimed. Check us on Facebook and come on out!

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