Video Reveals Reasoning Behind MAD MAX: FURY ROAD's Center Framing

Mad Max: Fury Road is going to be studied and pored over for years by cinephiles everywhere. George Miller's action extravaganza is one of the most energetic films I've seen in years, and a big part of the reason the film works so well is because it's the result of Miller's clear, precise vision. This includes not only those show-stopping set pieces, but everything from the editing to the framing of the camera; the film moves along at a brisk pace, but a brief new video essay reveals that Miller put a lot of thought into exactly how the framing should work in order to allow the audience to be able to easily follow the action on screen.

LaughingSquid points us to this video by editor Vashi Nedomansky that features a commentary track by cinematographer John Seale, explaining how Miller tried to make sure that the center point of every frame was focused on the action so the audiences' eyes didn't need to move very far to find out the essential pieces of information they needed to see. Something to think about for all of you aspiring filmmakers out there...

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