Video Shows How Realistic Looking Bodysuits Were Made For BILL & TED FACE THE MUSIC


I’ve got an interesting video to share with you today from Insider that offers us a cool behind the scenes look at what goes into making realistic looking bodysuits for actors in the movies.

This specific video puts a focus on the muscular bodysuits that Keanu Reeves and Alex Winter had to wear for the bulked up jailed versions of themselves from the future in Bill and Ted Face the Music.

It’s a tedious process to make these kinds of bodysuits that require a lot of goop, detailed painting, and a lot of patience from everyone involved.

Bodysuits let actors go through physical transformations that they couldn’t easily make on their own, from gaining weight to gaining muscle to being pregnant. Bodysuits don’t have to look very realistic if they are covered by clothes, but if the actor’s stomach or chest is exposed, then they will have to trick the viewers. For “Bill & Ted Face the Music,” legendary special makeup effects artist Kevin Yagher of Kevin Yagher Productions Inc. created muscle and fat suits for actors Keanu Reeves and Alex Winter. To make the muscle suits look real, Yagher and his team sculpted subtle veins and used an airbrush to paint on skin details like pores. They used silicone for the skin, as the material is translucent the same way human skin is, and foam latex underneath to help it move like a real body. Meanwhile, a realistic fat suit needs some jiggle to it. After working on the Nicolas Cage movie “Adaptation,” Yagher learned that stuffing a fake paunch with beads is the best way to make it bounce.

Enjoy the video below.

Bodysuits let actors go through physical transformations that they couldn't easily make on their own, from gaining weight to gaining muscle to being pregnant...

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