Visually Awesome Teaser Trailer For Peter Jackson's MORTAL ENGINES — GeekTyrant

Visually Awesome Teaser Trailer For Peter Jackson's MORTAL ENGINES

For those of you who attended screenings of Star Wars: The Last Jedi over the weekend, then you most likely already saw this trailer for Peter Jackson's latest film project Mortal Engines. The film looks visually stunning! It's based on the Philip Reeve post-apocalyptic novel that imagines a world with few resources where cities now reside on mobile vehicles. it looks like a mix between Mad Max and Howl's Moving Castle, which is pretty cool and I really like what I'm seeing in this trailer! It looks like it's going to be a wild film! I can't wait to see it!

Jackson is a producer on the movie which is being directed by Jackson’s longtime visual effects and storyboard collaborator Christian Rivers. The film stars Robert Sheehan, Hera Hilmar, Hugo Weaving, Jihae, Leila George, Ronan Raftery, and Stephen Lang, and this is the synopsis:

Thousands of years after civilization was destroyed by a cataclysmic event, humankind has adapted and a new way of living has evolved. Gigantic moving cities now roam the Earth, ruthlessly preying upon smaller traction towns. Tom Natsworthy (Robert Sheehan)—who hails from a Lower Tier of the great traction city of London—finds himself fighting for his own survival after he encounters the dangerous fugitive Hester Shaw (Hera Hilmar). Two opposites, whose paths should never have crossed, forge an unlikely alliance that is destined to change the course of the future.

Mortal Engines opens December 14, 2018. Watch the trailer and let us know what you think!

Peter Jackson presents an epic new saga. Watch the teaser for Mortal Engines now. -- Thousands of years after civilization was destroyed by a cataclysmic event, humankind has adapted and a new way of living has evolved. Gigantic moving cities now roam the Earth, ruthlessly preying upon smaller traction towns.

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