Voice Acting is Coming to BATTLE FOR THE GRID
nWay recently had another stream for Power Rangers: Battle for the Grid. The main reason for the stream was to show off the gameplay for Dragon Armor Trini who, as expected, is a grappler. That’s pretty cool and I’m excited to play with her after Update 1 releases. Another cool fact is the alternative color which gives the Dragon Armor a color scheme similar to the Dragonzord. While this was all cool, there’s something that has me more excited. There was mention of voice acting getting implemented.
The lack of voice acting has driven me a little insane and is one of my biggest complaints about the game. However, Kwing got in contact with someone he knows at nWay and apparently wasn’t able to find out too much, but he was able to confirm that voice acting will appear in the game and is getting ready to roll out as part of Update 1 with the three new characters. We don’t know who is providing the voices, but it seems that nWay may be using old soundbites from the show as well as possibly bringing in the original actors, at least Jason David Frank and Austin St John. The biggest change would be Trini who is believed to have a new voice actor, most likely since Thuy Trang passed in 2001.
There’s no word on when Update 1 will launch, but everyone seems to be expecting it to drop sometime in April. In my opinion, the sooner, the better.
You can get Battle for the Grid now on Nintendo Switch, PS4, and Xbox One with the PC launch coming this summer.