Wacky Full Length ROBOCOP Remake Spoof

The new RoboCop reboot hits theaters later this month, but before you watch it you can check out another RoboCop remake made by fans of the original movie. It's a crowdsourced film that entertainingly spoofs each scene in the original Paul Verhoeven-directed film.

Our RoboCop Remake is a crowd-sourced film project based on the 1987 Paul Verhoeven classic. We are a group of filmmakers and RoboCop fans who have split the original film into 60 pieces and have remade the movie ourselves. Not necessarily a shot-for-shot remake, but a scene-for-scene retelling.

More than 50 individual groups of filmmakers contributed scenes, and they used animation, puppets, live-action, and whatever other kinds of special effects they could pull together.

Before you watch it I should warn you… it's NSFW! Thanks to io9 for the heads up!

Our RoboCop Remake is a crowd-sourced film project based on the 1987 Paul Verhoeven classic. We are a group of filmmakers and RoboCop fans who have split the original film into 60 pieces and have remade the movie ourselves. Not necessarily a shot-for-shot remake, but a scene-for-scene retelling. For more info and the full list of filmmakers, visit http://www.OurRoboCopRemake.com Based on and including footage from the Orion Pictures Release: RoboCop (1987), directed by Paul Verhoeven and written by Ed Neumeier and Michael Miner. Scenes are written/directed/adapted by the individual filmmakers. (Made with the help of the Channel 101 community: http://www.channel101.com )

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