UPDATED: Warner Bros. Registers Domain Names That Point to Their DC Plans
UPDATE: Looks like we're all in a tizzy over nothing. We reported that these registrations were old, but we didn't realize how old. ComicBook.com is reporting that the studio has held WonderWomanTheMovie.com since 1999, while ShazamMovie.com and AquamanMovie.com were picked up in 2001. So it does point to their plans, just their really old, out of date plans. Carry on. Here is our original story:
The geek world is buzzing over news that last year Warner Bros. registered domain names for movies about the Justice League, Wonder Woman, Shazam, and Aquaman. The domain names, which are JusticeLeagueFilm.com, WonderWomanTheMovie.com, ShazamMovie.com, and AquamanMovie.com, all redirect to the studio’s main page.
None of this is exactly groundbreaking news. The studio has claimed a slew of release dates for unannounced movies, we already knew that Batman vs. Superman: Dawn of Justice would introduce various superheroes to lay the groundwork for a Justice League movie, and Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson has been not-so-subtly hinting that he is going to star in a Shazam movie for what seems like years. Maybe it’s a little surprising that they seem to be planning an Aquaman movie before they get around to slightly better known heroes like the Flash and Green Lantern (well, it’s not surprising that they aren’t pulling the trigger on a Green Lantern movie), but it’s not as surprising as if they were planning a Martian Manhunter standalone. And it is definitely not surprising that they are moving forward with a Wonder Woman standalone, as fans have been clamoring for one for years.
What other films to you think they’ll add to their slate?
via: Dark Horizons