Wasn't THE NEW MUTANTS Already Confirmed To Be a "Full-Fledged Horror" Movie?

I'll be honest... I'm a little confused by what is going on with director Josh Boone's X-Men film The New Mutants. The last things that we heard about the film was that it would be going through some massive reshoots. According to reports, 50% of the film would be reshot to include some new characters and make it scarier because the studio reportedly didn't think the movie was scary enough, even though the movie tested extremely well with test audiences. 

It's crazy to think that the movie was originally supposed to be released this weekend! But, now we have to wait until 2019. In a recent interview with Charlie Heaton (Stranger Things), who plays Cannonball in the film, talks about the story and confirms that this will be full-fledged horror film.

"It’s basically about these mutants in a facility for damaged mutants. It’s a story about these characters coming to grips with who they are and it’s a horror X-Men movie, which we haven’t seen before. I feel like, for an X-Men movie, yeah, I think they’re going full-fledged horror. Without saying too much — I really don’t want to give away too much what it’s about, it’s very under wraps — but it is, in terms of anything we’ve seen in the X-Men world, it definitely is a horror film. It’s scarier than anything we’ve seen in that genre."

Here's the thing... a year ago before it was reported that the film needed to be scarier, director Josh Boone already confirmed that the film would be a "full-fledged" horror movie!

"We are making a full-fledged horror movie set within the X-Men universe. There are no costumes. There are no supervillains. We’re trying to do something very, very different."

So, what confuses me is that Boone set out to make a "full-fledged" horror movie from the very beginning. We've heard him talk about how this was going to be a dark horror film set in the X-Men universe several times while he was developing the film. I guess it wasn't "full-fledged" enough!? Hollywood is weird. 

I've always been on board with the horror concept for this movie, I'm just wondering why Boone just didn't make the full-fledged horror film that he set out to make in the first place. Heaton went on to talk a bit about his character Cannonball saying:

"Sam comes from Kentucky, and he’s kind of a working-class boy, and he has the ability to project himself through the sky like a cannonball." 

It will be interesting to see what that looks like on the big screen. We will eventually see this movie, and when we do, I hope it's great. It will be released on August 2, 2019.

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