Watch 243 Titles from Animated Films over the Last 75 Years
Check out this fantastic video that features the title designs of 243 animated films in order from 1937 to 2012. The video was edited together by Irina Neustroeva, who explains that all the films chosen were produced in the USA, and they were "selected in accordance with the ranking of IMBD and only the first part of the sequel was selected for video." It turned out to be a fun little compilation!
This video presents titles of animated feature films in order from 1937 to 2012 year which were produced in the USA. These video consists only 243 titles. Titles were selected in accordance with the ranking of IMBD and only the first part of the sequel was selected for video. Full list of animated feature films used in the video you can find here: Video has Full HD resolution, but some separate titles have SD and less resolution. Music Shopping For Explosives by Coconut Monkeyrocket