Watch a Fascinating Documentary on The History of IMAGE COMICS - "So Much Damage"
Back in 1992 a group of extremely talented comics book artists went rogue, threw up the middle finger to Marvel and DC to build a new comic book publishing empire called Image Comics.
If you were reading comics in the 90s there no way you missed this. They were creating some of coolest, freshest, and badass comic at the time. It was a storm of awesomeness and I found myself hooked on what they were producing. They've grown so much since then and have attracted some amazing high profile talent over the years.
SyFy has released a fantastic and interesting documentary called "So Much Damage: How Image Comics Changed The World." It features interviews with original founders like Todd McFarlane and Jim Lee and more as they offer candid insights on their experiences building their company.
The doc details the fascinating history of the company's founding in 1992 and many of the ups and downs that the comic company has faced over years. If you're a fan of Image Comics, you've got to watch this! The creation of Image Comics sounds like it would have been an incredible experience for anyone to be a part of.