Watch a Fun Bruno Mars-Style Spider-Man Parody - "That Spidey Life"

Nerdist has released a fun Bruno Mars-style Spider-Man parody music video called "That Spidey Life". If you're a fan of Bruno Mars and Spider-Man then you'll definitely enjoy it! The video came with the following description:

Sometimes you just have to take a moment to appreciate the finer things, especially when you're living That Spidey Life. In this music video parody of Bruno Mars' "That's What I Like", Spider-Man sings a smooth pop anthem about all the stuff that makes life worth living, but instead of limos and lobster tails he's talking about web slinging and wall crawling. And just like Bruno, Spidey has his eye on a Manhattan penthouse, but the one he wants is in the Avengers Tower. Bringing in elements from both classic Spider-Man stories and the upcoming Spider-Man: Homecoming feature film, this video from the makers of Belle and Boujee is the perfect soundtrack for anyone just trying to live That Spidey Life.

The video was directed by Andrew Bowser and Ben Carter dances away as Spider-Man.

In this music video parody of Bruno Mars' That's What I Like, Spider-Man sings a smooth pop anthem about all the stuff that makes life worth living, web slinging and wall crawling. From the makers of Belle and Boujee, this is the perfect soundtrack for anyone just trying to live That Spidey Life.

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