Watch a Fun "Trick of Treat" Clip From STRANGER THINGS 2 Thanks To STRANGER THINGS: THE GAME

Yesterday, Netflix released Stranger Things: The Game, which you can watch the trailer for here. I don't know if you've played it yet or not, but it offered a fun little treat for those who played it and beat it. The game reveals an actual clip from Stranger Things Season 2 at the end of the game and it's pretty great! 

The clip features Mike, Dustin, Will and Lucas out on Halloween night trick or treating in their Ghostbusters costumes. Will is carrying around a great big 80s style video camera around with him filming their Trick or treating adventures. I love how the woman who answers the door to offer them candy has no idea who they are dressed up as. 

As they have a Tarantino-style debate over the quality of the Three Musketeers bars they've gotten, someone in a Michael Myers Halloween mask jumps out and scares the hell out of them. This someone happens to be one of the new characters being introduced the series. 

The clip made me miss the days of going out on Halloween night with my friends to go trick or treating. I never really went out as movie characters. My dad and I always came up with original monster characters to go out as.  What did you like to dress up as for Halloween? 

Stranger Things Season 2 will be released on Netflix on October 27th.

from the stranger things game .

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