Watch a Mini Episode of The Adult Animated Series THE FREAK BROTHERS with Woody Herrelson, John Goodman and More
Woody Harrelson, John Goodman, Tiffany Haddish and Pete Davidson are set to star in a new adult animated series titled The Freak Brothers, which is based on the hippie-era underground comic. Here’s the synopsis:
In 1969, life in San Francisco consists of free love, communal living and political protest. Freewheelin’ Franklin Freek (Harrelson), Fat Freddy Freekowtski (Goodman), Phineas T. Phreakers (Davidson) and their mischievous, foul-mouthed cat, Kitty (Haddish) spend their days dodging many things — the draft, the narcs and steady employment – all while searching for an altered state of bliss.
But after partakking of a genetically mutated strain of marijuana, the Freaks wake up 50 years later to discover a much different society. Quickly feeling like fish out of water in a high-tech world of fourth-wave feminism, extreme gentrification and intense political correctness, the Freaks learn how to navigate life in 2020 — where, surprisingly, their precious cannabis is now legal.
The series will consist of eight-episodes and four-mini episodes, the first of what you can watch below. The pilot episode is almost finished and the regular episodes will be 22-minutes long.
Mark Canton and Courtney Solomon are executive producers on the series and it was written and produced by Silicon Valley alums Dave Krinsky and John Althschuler and Highly Gifted‘s Daniel Lehrer and Jeremy Lehrer.
The mini-episode below is titled “Kentucky Fried Freaks” and it’s NSFW. The story follows the main characters as they head to the white house where they ask Donald Trump to get some fried chicken.