Watch Adam Savage Give a Tour of Part of The Amazing BLADE RUNNER 2049 Set
If you're a fan of director Denis Villeneuve's Blade Runner 2049 and it's stunning visuals, you have to watch this new video from Tested. In it, Adam Savage gives us a behind-the-scenes tour of the set of one of the short films that was made for the film and it's pretty damn cool! I would absolutely have loved to explore the set of this movie, but at least we have this entertaining video to watch. I guess it's the next best thing. It highlights some of the little details that you may not have noticed.
Adam takes us behind the scenes of the filming of the 2048: Nowhere to Run short film that's part of the official Blade Runner universe. From the static set dressing to the functional props and vehicles, Adam shows how the production builds a believable science fiction world out of the pieces of our own reality.
It's fun to see Adam Savage so giddy as he shows us around.