Watch Christopher Reeve Politely Bash His SUPERMAN Co-Star Marlon Brando For Being Lazy

An old interview of Christopher Reeve has surfaced from when he was a guest on The David Letterman Show. During that interview, Reeve was asked what it was like to work with his Superman co-star Marlon Brando, and he explained that he was left disappointed with the legendary actor. He criticized Brando for his laziness and talked about how it’s a shame that didn’t continue to use his talents to inspire. Reeve said:

"I don't say this to be vicious, but I don't worship at the altar of Marlon Brando, because I feel he's copped out in a certain way. He’s no longer in the leadership position that he could be. He could really be inspiring a whole other generation of actors, by continuing to work. But, what happened is the press loved him whether he was good, bad or indifferent; that people just thought he was an institution no matter what he did, so he doesn't care anymore."

He went on to say that it would be sad to be Brando’s age and just "not give a damn" anymore. Reeve also said that it’s too bad that actor was forced into that hostility. When asked it if was exciting to work with Brando, Reeve added:

"Not really. No. I had a wonderful time, but the man didn't care. He just took the $2 million and ran."

There were lots of stories of what it was like to work with Brando in his later life. He wouldn’t learn his lines and would read them from cue-cards on the set of his films while shooting. It’s interesting how Brando did just kind of give up and stop trying. It’s a shame because he was such an incredible actor in his earlier years.

You can check out the video interview below. It’s interesting how polite Reeve comes off as he bashes Brando!

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