Watch: HEROES REBORN Comic-Con Trailer

Today at San Diego Comic-Con, NBC unveiled a new trailer for Heroes Reborn, the continuation of its popular Heroes series that ran from 2006-2010. I've embedded that below, but I wanted to address how this trailer is essentially a meta commentary on the fans' relationship with the show over the years and how its popularity and pop culture relevance sharply declined as it was on its way out. It opens with this voiceover:

"Memories are funny things. The good ones fill our lives with meaning, with context, with clarity. Other memories can deceive. The ones that make you believe that you know the truth...those are the dangerous ones. When you look back on the decisions you've made in your life, the one thing you don't want to feel is regret."

That seems like a strikingly confident statement that this show is going to be worth your time. Whether or not Tim Kring and his team will be able to live up to that promise is a whole different matter entirely, but it's a fascinating way to lean in to the notion that the show's best days are behind it. Watch the trailer below.

The saga behind the 2006 breakout series "Heroes" will continue this fall as creator Tim Kring returns to the fold and develops new layers to his original superhero concept. This highly anticipated 13-episode event series will reconnect with the basic elements of the show’s first season, where ordinary people were waking up to the fact that they had extraordinary abilities.
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