Watch Joseph Gordon-Levitt Completely Geek Out Over MAGIC: THE GATHERING
I used to be really into Magic: The Gathering when I was in high school. I played that game all the time with my friends. I haven’t played in years, though, mostly because all of my friends just stopped playing and I didn’t have anyone else to play with.
I had no idea that Joseph Gordon-Levitt was into Magic: The Gathering! it was a fun little surprise to see this this video from Geek & Sundry pop up in my e-mail that shows the actor completely geeking out over fantasy card game.
It’s especially delightful seeing him talk about his cards and how since he was a successful actor growing up he was able to buy any of the cards that he wanted to play against his friends with. At first he didn’t think it would be fair, but in the ends he was just like “fuck it!” I’m buying them!
I was already a fan of Gordon-Levitt, but after seeing how hardcore he is about Magic: The Gathering, I like him even more!