Watch MICROSOFT THE MUSICAL, Created by the 2019 Microsoft Interns
We have a fun little video for you to check out that was created by the 2019 summer interns at Microsoft called Microsoft the Musical. The musical tells the history of Microsoft all the way from Bill Gates’s childhood through the major products and achievements of the company. It’s cheesy but fun, and really well-done. The singing and dancing is good, and the message is motivating, as they push the message that you should follow your dreams, even if, and maybe especially if, you are different or weird. Here’s what is written on the screen at the end of the video:
This music video is dedicated to every dreamer, whether you’re building a better world today or you’re studying so you can do it tomorrow. You should and you will. It is the work of 150 full-time employees and interns at Microsoft, who volunteered mornings, weekends, and nights to make it happen. It was created in eight weeks, from the first lyric to final publication.
It’s inspiring, and kind of makes you want to work at Microsoft, or at least tell your kids to work there someday. Check out the video below, and let us know what you think.