Watch Orson Welles Host a 1975 NASA Documentary About Aliens
Who’s Out There? is the name of a 1975 NASA documentary about aliens and extraterrestrial civilizations. If that’s not enough to spark your interest, maybe the fact that the documentary is hosted by the legendary actor Orson Welles will. This doc is not only completely amazing, but it’s also fascinating as hell.
This 1975 NASA film explores the view of extraterrestrial life emerging from the results of probes to the planets and interstellar discoveries and findings about the nature of life itself. The film discusses the conclusion drawn by a number of distinguished scientists that other intelligent civilizations exist in the universe.
The doc starts off with Welles talking about becoming friends with author H.G. Wells after his legendary War of the Worlds radio broadcast. The video then goes into interviews with people who thought the broadcast was really happening. After that, it gets into the meat of the subject matter of aliens. This was such a joy to watch, so make sure to check it out. It might be the best 30 minutes of your day! I love the soothing sound of Welles' voice.
Via: io9