Watch Out, NERF, This Shelby Destroyer Gun Fires Off Six Foam Discs a Second


For those of you who enjoy NERF guns, as I do, there’s a new weaponized foam launcher gun that’s been created that you’re going to want to pay attention to. It’s called the Shelby Destroyer, and it’s capable of firing six foam discs per second with a 120 round capacity, with both semi-automatic and fully-automatic capabilities.

The Shelby Destroyer was already crowded funded through an Indiegogo campaign, and it’s selling for around $217 through the crowdfunding site, with an estimated retail price of $315.

The gun is advertised as being “faster, more accurate, and more powerful” than anything else on the market, and they better be for that price! Check out the cool-looking Shelby Destroyer in action in the videos below:

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