Watch The 66 Hour Process of Assembling a Chainmail Shirt in 25 Minutes
Chainmail shirts were used back in the day to protect your body from the swords and arrows of the times. Now that weapons have changed, chainmail is more for cosplay, LARPing, and other costuming needs. Well, Evan Snider decided to craft his own chainmail shirt using copper rings and hand tools. This ordeal took him 66 hours, but thankfully he set it up as a time-lapse video for all of us and it is conveniently only 25 minutes for us to watch him assemble this piece of armor. A picture was taken every 5 seconds for a total of 47,529 images! That is impressive in my book. I can only imagine how much my hands would hurt after using hand tools to create this project. Do you want your own chainmail shirt?