Watch the First 4 Minutes of ASH VS EVIL DEAD - Ash Is Back!
Starz has released the first four minutes of Sam Raimi and Bruce Campbell's Ash Vs. Evil Dead, and it reintroduces us to Ash for the first time since 1992's Army of Darkness. The story takes place 30 years after the events of the last film, and it seems like over that time he's gotten even crazier. I guess that's bound to happen, especially after going through the experiences that he has.
The opening scene features Ash getting ready to go out for a night on the town looking to find some action at a local bar. He cranks on his girdle, drinks his Hi-C, dances around, jumps in his 1973 Oldsmobile Delta 88, and he's off. In the end, things don't turn out the way he was hoping they would. I'm sure fans of the Evil Dead franchise will get a kick out of this.
Bruce Campbell returns as Ash, the stock boy, aging lothario and chainsaw-handed monster hunter who has spent the last 30 years avoiding responsibility, maturity and the terrors of the Evil Dead. When a Deadite plague threatens to destroy all of mankind, Ash is finally forced to face his demons –personal and literal. Destiny, it turns out, has no plans to release the unlikely hero from its “Evil” grip.
Ash Vs. Evil Dead premieres on Starz on October 31st. I also included the Ash Vs. Evil Dead panel from NYCC in case you missed it. It includes Campbell, Raimi, Craig DiGregorio, Lucy Lawless, Ray Santiago, and Dana DeLorenzo.