Watch These Stunning Fan-Made Animated STAR WARS Scenes! — GeekTyrant

Watch These Stunning Fan-Made Animated STAR WARS Scenes!

I’ve got an incredibly impressive series of fan-made animated Star Wars scenes that you have to watch! These videos were created by Renato Roldan and it’s stunning work that I know any fan of Star Wars is going to love!

I would love to see this guy work on a Star Wars animated series. The guy proves with these that he has the talents and skills to help make a seriously badass show! When I first came across these I didn’t really know what to expect, but these are so cool and they made me so happy!

Animation shot inspired by star wars

Another animation inspired by Return of the Jedi

Second shot of this star wars inspired short

second shot inside the Death star for my return of the jedi tribute

Quick animation i did with procreate 5 beta about the mandalorian

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