Watch This Guy Trick His iPhone X Into Unlocking Using A Horrifying Mask

The iPhone X claims to be one of the most secure tech devices on the market, but is it really? Vietnamese tech security firm Bkav developed a mask that fools the phone to unlocking on any user, and they did it in less than a I'm guessing no. 

The mask (which looks horrifying) is specifically designed to fool the iPhone X into thinking they're looking at the face of someone who owns the phone. 

So who would use this? Criminals, basically, and that's it. That said, it'd be awfully hard to manufacture one of these if you didn't have a 3D printer, silicone, and all that jazz The Verge says you need to make this, so as long as no one starts mass producing them I think we'll be fine. Check out the phone getting tricked below. 

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