Watch: What It's Like For Fans to Wait For Highly-Anticipated Movies

EvergreenHumor by Ben Pearson

A majority of our site is built on the idea that we love looking forward to things. Movies, TV shows, comics, you name it — the experience of anticipating a new piece of media can often be better than the content itself (just ask anyone who remembers waiting for The Phantom Menace to come out).

OnlyLeigh is back with another fangirl video, and this one tracks the cycle of a fan anticipating a big would-be blockbuster film over the course of a year. I think a lot of people will find that their experiences align pretty well with this:

That movie you're waiting for is coming out SO soon! You just have to wait a.... WHOLE YEAR FOR IT?? This is the painful process of waiting for that movie to come out. You know which one I mean. THAT one. That's right.

Via: Neatorama

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