Watchmen Artist, Dave Gibbons, Gives His Thoughts on The WATCHMEN HBO Miniseries

Zack Snyder's Watchmen film is a touchy subject in the nerd world. Some people think it's a masterpiece, while others think it missed the point. My personal belief is that, while succeeding in some regards, the Watchmen movie didn't do the comic justice. Which makes me believe that turning it into a miniseries on HBO would be a good idea. And I'm not the only one.

Comic artist Dave Gibbons recently added his two cents on whether a miniseries adaption would be a good thing or a bad thing. Currently, the possible series is in very early development at HBO, and although he hasn't heard anything yet, Gibbons would totally be on board to being involved in the series if it were to get up and going. Recently he talked to Screenrant and had this to say:

"Well, the thing with Watchmen is that DC has been very courteous to me and are always giving me the opportunity to be involved. There are certain things that I am happy to be involved with and certain things that I haven’t been happy to be involved with and I haven’t had any particular involvement with it. As far as the movie was concerned, I was happy to have as much input as they would give me. Although by the time of the movie, Alan Moore had long since left the building and I suspect if there is any further dramatizations, I am sure it will be something I will be consulted about and if it was done in the same way as the movie, I would be quite on board. I mean, you have to talk hypotheticals at the moment."

While chatting he also brought up the interesting creation of the Watchmen series and what made it the unique sort of comic that it was. Originally, Alan Moore thought the series would be six issues, but then found out that it was to be twice that. So, he came up with more material. It's what gave it the shape of having an issue with action and then an issue of reflection and growth of the characters. 

This is something I felt was missing in the film version. You saw plenty of action, but not as much of the reflection from the characters. I feel that having a miniseries gives you time to create stronger characters. A perfect example is seeing the Netflix Marvel heroes vs the film Marvel heroes. In a series, you get to see a lot more of the characters beliefs and core values and who they are. And although Watchmen is a stunning and brilliant story, what gives it the power that it has is its detail to the characters and what they are going through and what they are thinking. I'm not the only one who thinks so. In the interview Gibbons said similarly:

"We did have space to stretch, and obviously something like a TV show would give you space to expand and explore that you haven’t got with a movie, so we always thought it would work better as a TV series than a movie."

Argue with me if you want, but I want a Watchmen series, especially if they can cast it right and do it with a solid enough budget. It might not be as flashy as Snyder's piece, but at least it can breathe.

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