WB is Developing a Wile E. Coyote Film Called COYOTE VS. ACME
Warner Bros. is moving forward with their feature film adaptation of the classic Looney Tunes character Wile E. Coyote "super genius." The film will be called Coyote Vs. Acme and the studio has hired Jon and Josh Silberman, the supervising producers behind CBS’ Living Biblically and writers of It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia, to write the script.
There are no details on the story, but Deadline does mention that "out of all the Looney Tunes characters with the most slaptstick potential, the arrogant and often tragic Wile E. Coyote offers limitless possibilities, even when he’s acting alone at the edge of a cliff with a parachute and anvil."
I love Wile E. Coyote! He's easily my favorite character in the Looney Tunes gang and I hope that this movie actually turns out to be as great as I imagine it to be. There's so much awesome potential to play with here! Hopefully, these writers have a good story idea that the fans will enjoy.
Chris Mckay (The LEGO Batman Movie) is producing the film. What do you think about Warner Bros. developing a Wile E. Coyote movie and what are you hoping to see from it?