We Might See a More Verbal Hulk in THOR: RAGNAROK

About a month ago, Mark Ruffalo was talking about how the Hulk will be portrayed in Thor: Ragnarok. At the time, he said, "The Banner/Hulk consciousness is beginning to meld a little bit." Throughout the course of the films we've heard the Hulk say little things like "puny God," but it sounds like the character might be more verbal in the upcoming Thor movie. During an interview with HitFix, director Taika Waititi sids that certain element of the Hulk is still being discussed. He explained: 

"It's interesting, because at the moment, there's a big conversation that's happening about how far to push that. Whether or not The Hulk should be [verbal/conscious]. I think a lot of those conversations have more to do with what's going to come up in future movies. So I think a lot of those decisions are larger group decisions, rather than anything to do with just me or the writer. They have a lot of stuff that they have to consider. But I do think that's the best way to track it. I think we all want that. I think we all want to see that development and the evolution of that character. I also think you can do it in a fun way."

Ruffalo revealed that Marvel has planned an epic story arc for Hulk that will start in Thor: Ragnarok and play through the two Avengers: Infinity War films. So if he talks more in this film, you can bet that will evolve even more as his story continues in the MCU.

As you may have seen, there have been some concerns over Waititi bringing more humor into the upcoming Thor film. I've seen some people say to the director, "you better not f**k it up!" The story of Thor: Ragnarok is an apocalyptic event, in which the realm of Asgard unknowingly experiences an endless cycle of death and rebirth. That doesn't mean there can't be humor! And if you've seen the work that Waititi has done with the previous films he has directed, then you know the guy has a talent for perfectly balancing drama and humor. In regards to those complaints, the director said:

"It's not going to be a crazy comedy, like over the top. But that’s definitely my strength and that's what they were looking for when they approached me. So, I think that is the thing I can bring to it to give it a different spin and freshen it up a bit."

Let's face it, Thor hasn't been the most popular standalone franchise for Marvel. Lots of fans complain about the Thor films, more than the others. Thor could definitely use a fresh take, and when talking about his focus on the film the director said:

"My focus really is making sure that Thor is the best character, though... Yeah, well that is my goal! Because he's got to be. And it should be that way."

I think that Waititi will give us the best Thor movie yet, and if you're a fan of the character, then this is a movie to get excited about. The movie hits theaters on November 3rd, 2017.

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