What Does the X-MEN Themed STRANGER THINGS 4 Premiere Title Tell Us About the Next Chapter?

The Duffer Bros. have revealed that the title for the Stranger Things 4 premiere is "The Hellfire Club." This is a crystal clear reference to The Hellfire Club from the X-Men. The Duffer Bros. shared a photo of the title page of the script with a message that reads, "Looking for new members... are you in?"

While the characters in Stranger Things wouldn’t be familiar with the X-Men films, they would most definitely be familiar with the comic books. The Hellfire Club made its debut in the 1980 comic Uncanny X-Men #129. They are a group of villains who have faced off against the X-Men several times. The club is filled with wealthy and influential individuals looking to manipulate world events for their own benefit.

This has got a lot of fans wondering what this title tells us about the story of Season 4. A lot of fans are seeing the comparisons between Eleven and Jean Grey, who at one point in the comics joined the club when she was overtaken by Phoenix.

Will there be a Hellfire type club filled with these influential people introduced in Season 4? And could Eleven end up going bad and joining them? Or, could the teens in Hawkins be forming a club of their own for some reason, and they just want to use the name Hellfire Club because, well… it’s a cool name?

Maybe it’s neither! What do you think the title of the season premiere of Stranger Things Season 4 could mean for the series?

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