WHAT IF: AGE OF ULTRON #1 Comic Book Cover Art
This is our first look at the first issue of Marvel's new comic series What If: Age of Ultron. It will definitely turn the Marvel Universe upside down. I love the concept of this series, and it sounds like it will be a ton of fun. Here's the description:
In the New York Times Bestselling Age of Ultron, a time-travelling Wolverine killed Hank Pym before he could create the world-conquering robot Ultron. But what would the world look like if a different founding Avenger had been killed instead? Each issue of WHAT IF: AGE OF ULTRON imagines a cataclysmic alternate universe without one of Earth’s Mightiest Heroes! What would the world look like without the Wasp? A world where distraught Hank Pym never goes on to create Ultron – and instead ushers in a future even more heinous than the one we know! And it all happens this April in WHAT IF: AGE OF ULTRON #1!
The comic was written by Joe Keatinge and the variant cover above was created by Raffaele Ienco. The cover below was done by Chris Stevens.