What If RESIDENT EVIL 4 Was Made For PlayStation 1

Resident Evil 4 changed the Resident Evil franchise forever. Doing away with fixed camera angles and tank movement, for many fans it greatly enhanced the overall gameplay.

All of the games that followed it changed their format as well rather than going back to the way the games had been made before. But what if Resident Evil 4 came out in the heyday of the first PlayStation?

YouTube channel Rustic Games BR has created a video of what exactly that would look like and it is spot on. From the door opening sequence whenever you enter a new room to the fixed camera, this game play looks just like classic Resident Evil.

Go ahead and check out this video showing it off and watch someone play it. If it looks fun to you there’s a link to download it to play yourself. Would you have preferred playing Resident Evil 4 this way? I personally dislike this style of gameplay, but let me know if you think they should have stuck with it for the rest of the games. 

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