What If the iPhone 6 Included a Flux Capacitor?

Let's face it, the iPhone would be so much more awesome if it was partly powered by the Flux Capacitor from Back to the Future. Here's a great video created by Additifs that gives us a glimpse at what such an iPhone might look like, and the features it might include, such as iTime. It's called iPhone 6 Revolution - The Flux Capacitor, and I wish it existed because I want one! Thanks to Cult of Mac for the heads up.

(Warning: Some of the actors' dialogue is indiscernible)

Join on our facebook page to see our next videos : https://www.facebook.com/additifsmusic CREDITS : Réalisation, écriture, image, son, montage, graphisme, musique : Adrien TESSEYRE Remerciements : Tom PALACIOS, Axel ROBIN-TELLIER, Greg BOTHUYNE, Steffie BOTHUYNE, Clément TESSEYRE, Pierre LD, Maude Charbonnier, Aldi TAKKAL BATAILLE Cette vidéo est une parodie à but humoristique.

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