Why Was The Night King's Undead Army Marching in Formation as the House Stark Sigil?

There have been so many fan theories surrounding HBO's Game of Thrones and where the story could lead. One of these fan theories suggests that The Night King could actually be Bran Stark. 

According to the theory, Bran will use the powers of the Three-Eyed raven to go back in time to prevent the White Walkers from being created by the Children of the forest. When he does this and enters the past version of the Knight King, he finds himself trapped in the new form. Kind of like how Bran's psychic time traveling broke Hodor, his actions could end up bringing all of Westeros down, by becoming the villain he was looking to destroy.

This is a very far fetched theory that I never really bought into... until something was pointed out to me in the Season 7 finale. I missed it the first time around, but after it was pointed out to me, you can totally see The Night King's undead army marching in the formation of the Stark sigil. Just look at the image! That my friends is a giant direwolf head! That's kind of a big thing that you can't ignore. You can even watch video of it below.

Maybe, just maybe there is something to this rumor of Bran Stark being The Night King. But then maybe it's a big coincidence or the team of people who are working on the Game of Thrones series are just trolling us. Then there's the chance that the Knight King is just taunting Jon Snow by telepathically having his army march in shape of the Stark sigil. I don't know! 

One person who doesn't really seem buy into the theory is Isaac Hempstead Wright, who plays Bran in this series. When asked about it, he told THR:

"I don't know. I think it's a little bit far-fetched. But the whole Hodor thing, if I had read that as a theory, I would have said, 'Nah, this is crazy.' So, who knows? Although I have to say, people are now comparing my face to the Night King and going, 'Yeah! It's him! It's over, there's no question about it!' And I'm like, 'I don't look that much like the Night King, do I?'"

It would be pretty cool to see a fan-theory like this end up being true. But, even if it's not, I still know that there are some big surprises that await us that we'll never see coming. What do you all think of this fan theory? Do you buy into it now that you've seen this?

Brann has a vision of the Ice Dragon attacking the Wall and the White Walkers marching through with the Night King leading the way. Subscribe to Game of Thrones on HBO at hbonow.com Broadcast from Game of Thrones season 7 episode 7 (the finale) If HBO or Game of Thrones copyright holders would prefer me not to broadcast their content, or to broadcast it under specified guidelines, please message me and I will oblige their requests.

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