Why Zack Snyder Is Worse Than Michael Bay

Hello all. If you’re reading this article, then you know who Michael Bay and Zack Snyder are, or you just want to hear me rant. This is not just a title to get you to read or get you mad. This is my opinion on directors, and what I like or dislike about certain ones. So, if you’re a huge Zack Snyder fan or Michael Bay fan (do they exist?), beware. I’ll be slamming both and saying good things about both. I try to be fair, but I will exaggerate. Now, on with the article.

Recently, Snyder had some words about Marvel movies. Words to the effect of Ant-Man is the "Flavor of the Week." Now, while I don’t totally disagree with Mr. Snyder that many movies, including Marvel movies, can reuse similar story elements, the thought that he makes it sound like his movies are going to be so much better made me kinda irked. Do I think that movies have become a bit cookie cutter? That we do not have enough diversity in heroes? Yes and yes. But Snyder is no better, and to use Ant-Man as your example of something that is just another Marvel movie? No. Screw you dude. Ant-Man made some bold choices, and although it did lack certain qualities of specific branding that Edgar Wright would have brought, there were still plenty of Edgar Wright moments, and he wasn’t even the director. I had no faith in Peyton Reed going into it, but he made a movie that struck a chord in your heart.  

You all didn’t come to read about how I liked Ant-Man and disagree with Snyder. You came here to read why Snyder is somehow worse than Bay. Well, to start, I’m gonna say something ridiculously outlandish. Michael Bay isn’t that bad of a director. Yes, he’s the go-to for bad directors when you want to slam someone, but really, besides lots of racist things in movies, bad acting, terrible scripts, bad casting, and wow… I just realized that makes him sound like a terrible director. But then again, how many of his terrible movies are hits? They suck, but people watch them! We knew the new Transformers movies were going to be bad. The nostalgia factor had lost its charm by the third movie, but we still went to see the new one, because… reasons. Bay has made entertaining movies, and they've been successful. He is rolling in money. He can do what he wants, and studio executives and actors seem to trust him. Because he makes good movies? No. Because he can make movies that sell. It's almost like a game to him now. I honestly wonder if someone just dares him to make horrible decisions in movies and he does it just to prove he can still make a successful movie with all those horrible decisions. Armageddon, as cheesy as it was, was entertaining. Thought-provoking, world-changing, and moving? Not really, but fun as hell. Even with the Transformers movies, you can get sucked into watching and end up going, why didn’t I leave in the middle?  And what’s more, I think he knows it. I think he knows his movies aren’t great, and he just doesn’t care, because he found out how to make money. Who needs a legacy when you can hire supermodels to do whatever you want them to?

Now look at Snyder. Freakin' Zack Snyder. I’m trying to not lose it because the more I think about it, the more upset I get that he’s is as successful as he is. His first big movie was Dawn of the Dead, a zombie remake that was ok. It had Lindy Booth in it, and I had a huge crush on her (still do), so it was worth my time. But it wasn’t anything special. The greatest part was the writing, and that was done by James Gunn and George Romero, two people who are great. Then he did 300, and people loved it. It was good. It stole the whole Sin City comic book movie look, which was new at the time so people loved it. But did it sustain? Not really. Are people still talking about it? Only if some buff uncreative douche is looking for a Halloween costume that can show off his “sweet pecs.” Since 300, he became the comic book movie guy. He’s the one you turn to make cool comic book movies, except for the fact that after 300 he couldn’t make a decent comic book movie. Watchmen bombed, Suckerpunch bombed harder, and Man of Steel? Well, let's just say that while Man of Steel didn’t completely bomb, it certainly isn't on many people’s favorite superhero movie list. Now he’s working on the new Batman movie. Batman 5: Superman Dawn of Justice or whatever (Yes, I know it's really titled Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice). A continuation to Schumacher’s Batman movies of the '90s. And he think’s he’s the next Steven Spielberg or J.J. Abrams.  

Snyder reminds me of the kid in high school who isn’t cool, but he did a cool thing so the cool kids let him hang out with them, but nobody really likes him, including the kids who are cool without having to hang with the cool kids. So because Snyder isn’t as cool as he thinks, he has to insult others and prove himself. In 2014, Snyder said he saved Watchmen from Terry Gilliam ruining the movie. If your definition of saving is smothering it under a pillow, then sure. Terry Gilliam is a genius and auteur who has made films that will survive for decades. Where does Snyder get off thinking he’s better than him?  

That brings me to my main point. The point you have all been waiting/scrolling down to read.  Michael Bay acts like a douche, makes terrible douche movies, and does douche things, but he knows he’s not an Oscar winner. He’s a commercial maker, and he takes pride in what he is without resorting to calling other big blockbusters crap. At least in public. Snyder calls others out and acts like he’s hot shit. His movies are flashy and gimmicky but empty and broke. He’s the M. Night Shyamalan of action flicks. If the new Batman movie is good, he’ll prove me wrong and I’ll enjoy it and still think he’s a douche, but if it ends up tanking as badly as I think it will, I think we will be seeing a lot less of Snyder. But if you’re a good director, you don’t need to bring others down to try to prove you’re the best in the media. You let your work prove what you got. So, Zack, if you read GeekTyrant, just take it down a couple notches. Don’t worry about telling everyone how much better your movie is going to be and just make a good movie. Let us decide what's good.

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