WILD CARDS Gets an Anthology Book About Love in PAIRING UP
A couple of weeks ago, it was announced that George R. R. Martin’s Wild Cards universe was expanding with a new graphic novel. Now, a new anthology book has been announced called Wild Cards: Pairing Up. This anthology book is all about love in the world of Wild Cards including finding it, losing it, and more. As an anthology series, there will be a number of different stories included from various authors and they’ll all be edited by Martin himself. The contributors for Pairing Up include Melinda M. Snodgrass, Kevin Andrew Murphy, Marko Kloos, Bradley Denton, Peter Newman, Gwenda Bond, David Anthony Durham, and Christopher Rowe.
An alien virus ravages the world, its results as random as a hand of cards. Those infected either draw the black queen and die, draw an ace and receive superpowers, or draw the joker and are bizarrely mutated.
Nevertheless, human nature reigns supreme. And one of the most enduring human drives is the search for love. Aces and jokers alike both want to find it, or have lost it . . . or perhaps just want to use it for personal gain. Crazy, unconventional, touching, strange, and oh-so-familiar, this is love, Wild Cards-style.
Within these stories:
A jewel thief seduces a popular actor just so she can track down a long-lost treasure.
A teenager trapped in the body of a giant snail attempts to win his love à la Cyrano de Bergerac.
A man discovers his purpose in life after meeting a beautiful butterfly woman.
A young hero who has been awarded the hideous name of Hero McHeroface finds some solace in the arms of an astrologer hiding her own unique powers.
Pairing Up is the Wild Cards take on love—finding it, seeking it, losing it, or achieving it—as aces and jokers enter into the highest stake game of all: gambling on their heart's desire.
Fans of Wild Cards will be able to read Pairing Up on July 11 at your favorite bookstores and ebook stores including Kobo (affiliate link).