Will Green Lantern Eventually Appear on THE FLASH or Get His Own CW Series?

If you’ve been paying attention to The Flash and Arrow, then you may have noticed that Ferris Air has been mentioned in both shows. Ferris Air is an aerospace, defense, and airline company that has been featured in the DC Comics universe, and Hal Jordan was a longtime employee of the company as a pilot. 

In the most recent episode of The Flash. there was a scene that indicated that Hal Jordan could eventually appear. A lot of fans noticed that Barry Allen mentions a missing test pilot. It’s pretty obvious who that missing test pilot is, and it's possible for him to eventually show up in the DC TV universe.

Warner Bros. has made it very clear that the TV universe and the movie universe are completely separate, so if the producers of the series wanted to bring Green Lantern into their sandbox, I don’t see why they couldn’t. Green Lantern doesn't even get his solo film for another five years anyway.

I personally think that Green Lantern would make for an awesome TV series, and to have him fight alongside The Flash and The Arrow would be amazing. If they keep teasing the fans like this, they better deliver an awesome surprise somewhere down the line! 

This is obviously fan speculation and hope, but it’s hope worth believing in. Here’s the scene from that mentions the missing pilot. Would you like to see Green Lantern join the DC TV universe? 

Green Lantern Easter Egg and Cisco gives Captain Cold sister her Rogue Name.

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